MIKVAH Mei Menachem Renovation 2020
Mikvah Mei Menachem has been open since 2009 and has been utilized by thousands of women during this time. Every now and then, we need to renovate and upgrade the building and its facilities, in order to keep it running at the highest standards.
This year we had to fix a major problem with the roofing system and had to be fixed. The workmen took the tiles off and fixed the frame below, making the roof straight and safe for sure once more. The tiles were then carefully placed back into position and renovation work continued inside.
Inside, a complete renovation took place. The mikvah the pool was dried out, checked for imperfections and cleaned. Tiles were replaced on the wall, as well as electrical wiring and fixtures. A new ventilation system, a new pump system and new heating system was installed. New equipment was brought in and the old removed.
The contractors and suppliers have completed the work, and all has been checked and passed inspection. The total amount of the renovation came to 22000 euros with the remaining amount due of 18000 euros.
Due to the difficult times during this pandemic, payment is urgently needed. I turn to you to help cover this amount and ensure that the contractors receive payment.
Can we count on your support?
If you or someone you know can help, please contact us today, or donate directly using "Mikvah Mei Menachem" as the purpose of your donation. This project cannot proceed with your support!

CYPRUS MIKVAH PROJECT – Final payments needed 2020
Many Jews see the shul as the central institution in Jewish life, but Halacha states that constructing a mikvah takes precedence even over building a shul. Both a shul and a Sefer Torah may be sold to raise funds for building a mikvah. In fact, in the eyes of our Sages, Jewish families living together only attain the status of “community” once they have a communal mikvah.
A mikvah must be built into the ground or built as an essential part of a building. Portable receptacles, such as bathtubs, whirlpools or Jacuzzis, can therefore never function as mikvahs. The mikvah must contain a minimum of 200 gallons of rainwater that was gathered and siphoned into the mikvah pool in accordance with a highly specific set of regulations.
Immersion in the mikvah has offered a gateway to purity ever since the creation of man. The Midrash relates that after being banished from Eden, Adam sat in a river that flowed from the garden. This was an integral part of his teshuvah (repentance) process, of his attempt at return to his original perfection.
Thanks to you and friends like you, we have managed to establish the islands first 5 star men’s mikvah that has been running beautifully since 2018. January of 2019, we managed to fill up the בורות rain water with a big שפע ברכה. The mikvah is being used daily by the men of the community and by the many visitors that have been enjoying the service since late 2018 when it first opened.
We have managed thank G-d to cover 80% of the total cost of the mikvah construction. Now we are left with a remaining balance of 60.000 euros, which is needed urgently to complete the final payment of construction. The contractors have been waiting for this payment for a long time now, which is especially difficult for them and us due to the recent pandemic, payment is urgently needed. I turn to you to help cover this amount and ensure that the contractors receive payment, and that the mikvah project is finally completed.
Can we count on your support?
If you or someone you know can help, please contact us today, or donate directly using "Cyprus Mikvah Project" as the purpose of your donation. This project cannot proceed with your support!