There is nothing more holy in this world, nothing more precious to its creator, than the union of a man and a woman. It is after all the fountain of life.
What could be more precious than life – other than the source from which life comes? The union of a man and a woman is so precious that if it is treated casually, without conditions or boundaries, it becomes ugly and even destructive.
This is why in Jewish life there is a cycle of union and separation between husband and wife, and why the most important institution of Jewish life nest to the home is the Mikvah which stands at the vortex of that cycle. Because precious things only stay beautiful when you follow the creator's instructions.
Women's Mikvah
Mikvah Mei Menachem
The women’s Mikvah, “Mikvah Mei Menachem” was established in 2009. The Mikvah is approximately 70sqm, it is covered in Italian tiles on the inside. The outside is covered in Jerusalem stone. Full facilities are available including, Jacuzzi bath, shower, and all necessary toiletries.
This year we had to fix a major problem with the roofing system and had to be fixed. The workmen took the tiles off and fixed the frame below, making the roof straight and safe for sure once more. The tiles where then carefully placed back into position and renovation work continued inside.
Inside, a complete renovation took place. The mikvah the pool was dried out, checked for imperfections and cleaned. Tiles were replaced on the wall, as well as electrical wiring and fixtures. A new ventilation system, a new pump system and new heating system was installed. New equipment was brought in and the old removed.
JCC Mikvah
Thanks to you and friends like you, we have managed to establish the islands first 5 star men’s mikvah that has been running beautifully since 2018. January of 2019, we managed to fill up the בורות rain water with a big שפע ברכה. The mikvah is being used daily by the men of the community and by the many visitors that have been enjoying the service since late 2018 when it first opened.
Paphos Mikvah project
We are pleased to announce that Chabad Paphos is in the process of building it's very first mikvah in the region! This is an important project that will help many Jews living in the area as well as thousands of visitors each year.
We hope you can help support this project that is midway through. Everything we do is funded 100% by the kind donations of our supporters and friends. Any amount is appreciated, and will help us reach our goal.